Medical Diagnostics

Medical Diagnostics 2023-07-10T17:08:34+00:00

In House Laboratory

We can perform advanced blood testing on your pet and have results for you immediately that day. We use the IDEXX lasercyte/catalyst and snap shot in-house animal laboratory to test your pet’s blood. This diagnostic system is state-of-the-art and animal specific to provide us with fast and accurate results for you and your pet.

Our team recommends blood testing for all sick patients, all patients undergoing an anesthetic event, and annually for healthy pets. For sick patients, blood testing can help us to arrive at a diagnosis and aid us in developing a treatment plan specific for your pet. For patients undergoing anesthesia, testing can significantly reduce anesthetic and surgical risks. If the pre-anesthetic testing results are normal we can proceed with confidence and you can enjoy peace of mind. If results are abnormal, we can alter the anesthetic procedure. Annual preventative blood testing for healthy pets is recommended to detect hidden illness. Our pet cannot speak to us and tell us they are not feeling well. Many pets can look healthy and even appear normal when a physical exam is performed. Blood testing is one way we can perform an internal examination of your pet and detect illness before your pet becomes ill. Normal results provide a baseline for future reference, protecting your pet’s future health. Blood testing is a win-win situation any way you look at it and an investment you can make to ensure your pet’s health.

Digital Radiography

Radiographs are used to give us a visual tour inside your pet’s body. With radiographs we can evaluate the oral cavity, heart and lungs, abdomen, bone structure and more. We use radiographs to help find and size internal tumors, determine severity of bone fractures, locate foreign bodies, measure heart size, and much more. In conjunction with other diagnostic procedures (like bloodwork) radiographs can help us diagnose your pet’s problem more efficiently. This allows us to develop a more effective treatment plan for your pet.

Our up-to-date digital radiography allows us to enhance detail, zoom in on minute abnormalities, measure tumors and heart size, and increase/decrease darkness. Using a digital system allows us to share and consult with radiologists and/or specialists to which we can receive immediate interpretations. We can also e-mail the digital images directly to you for your records.

DTM cultures

DTM cultures are used to confirm diagnosis of ringworm infestation on your pet. We place a couple infected hairs in the culture which then reacts confirming a diagnosis. Our staff checks the DTM culture daily for results so that we can inform you immediately to pursue treatment.

Urine cultures

Our state-of-the art UriCult system allows us to perform in-house urinary culture on your pet’s urine. This culture gives us the bacteria causing your pet’s urinary infection which helps us determine the best and most effective treatment. The urine culture incubator provides us a quick diagnosis in 1-2 days.


The Reichert Tonopen measures your pet’s intraocular pressure which helps us diagnose glaucoma. Glaucoma is a very painful ocular disease that increases the pressures to a dangerous level. The Tonopen allows us to accurately measure the pressure and treat accordingly.


Ultrasound is often used by veterinarians to evaluate your pet’s internal organs and structures. It gives a better picture and is noninvasive, pain-free, less intense, and radiation-free. Moreover, it provides an accurate and faster diagnosis resulting in early detection of disease, speeding treatment decisions and administration.